Wall Wrap Installation

Wall wrap installation is a crucial step in home insulation that offers several benefits once the installation is complete:

  1. Reduces Draughts: Wall wrap significantly reduces draughts through the wall frame and around insulation batts. This reduction in air infiltration enhances the overall comfort inside the home and allows insulation to work more efficiently by maintaining a consistent temperature.
  2. Reduces Moisture Entry: Wall wrap acts as a barrier against moisture entry through the walls. By preventing moisture infiltration, it helps protect the structural integrity of the frame. This is vital in preventing potential damage and also ensures that insulation batts can maintain their specified R-Value rating over time.
  3. Increases Energy Efficiency: By safeguarding insulation batts from draughts and moisture, wall wrap substantially improves a home’s energy efficiency. It helps in preserving the effectiveness of insulation, ensuring that the home requires less energy for heating and cooling. Additionally, the overall R-Value rating of a wall can be enhanced, especially when the reflective face of wall wrap is positioned next to an air gap. This reflective feature aids in trapping heat during winters and keeping the interior cool during summers.

In summary, wall wrap installation is an effective strategy for reducing air infiltration, preventing moisture damage, and increasing energy efficiency in homes. It plays a significant role in ensuring that insulation works optimally, providing a comfortable living environment while also contributing to energy savings.